Home Alone is a classic 1990 family comedy that is a holiday staple. The movie focuses on 8-year-old Kevin McCallister, who is accidentally left behind when his family travels to Paris for Christmas. Alone in his house, Kevin fends for himself while defending his home from two burglars, Harry and Marv, who are determined to break in.
The movie is a family-comedy genre with a mix of humor and heartwarming moments. The plot is straightforward and easy to follow, though it can be a bit over dramatic at times. Macaulay Culkin’s, (Kevin) performance is energetic and charming, constantly charming people and having an excuse for everything. The burglars continuously fall into Kevin’s traps, making their characters portray clumsy and dumb.
While a child outsmarting two, grown adults may seem unbelievable, it is presented in a fun way that fits the comedic tone. One of the most memorable quotes from this movie is Kevin’s confident line, “This is my house, I have to defend it!” Which shows his transformation from being a scared boy to a clever little hero.
The special effects are simple but effective, involving practical stunts. There is no graphic content, making it appropriate for all ages. This movie does have sequels, but many people say the first one is the best. Similar movies include The Sandlot and The Goonies, which both combine adventure and a young protagonist.
I watched this movie when I was a kid at my house, and it has been a favorite of mine ever since. I give this movie five out of five stars and recommend it for all ages. Even though it is considered a Christmas movie, I find myself watching it throughout the year.