“Ginny and Georgia” is a popular Netflix series. It is of a young teenager, Ginny, her mom Georgia, and it follows the story of their lives. This show shows a lot of different topics like love, friendship, family, stepparents, boyfriends, and more. It has really real emotion and writing. The plot is super good. The characters in this movie are very relatable. Ginny’s character is growing up and also dealing with school and all of the challenges that come with those two things. Ginny and her mother Georgia show the mother-daughter relationship between them and helps move the story along.
The show has comedy and drama helps to keep you engaged and interested throughout the whole show. There are a good but of plot twists and exciting turns in the movie to keep it exciting and not predictable. There is never a dull moment in this show, and it keeps you on a cliffhanger throughout. All of the actors are really talented.
Overall, Ginny and Georgia is a wonderful show and it is filled with heartfelt moments, drama, and humor. These are all enough to keep you entertained. I give this show a rating of 8.5, even though it was a little bit sad and cringey at some points, with all of the moments to keep you interested and wanting to keep watching it is overall a great choice to binge watch on Netflix. When thinking about what to watch next on Netflix, I recommend trying out Ginny and Georgia.