Social Media


Social media is surrounding everyone in this generation. It plays a large role in today’s society. Social media is a place to post pictures and say what is going on in your daily life. It’s also a place to share activities that you’ll like to do, or just what’s on your mind. The different social media platforms that are popular now are facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and instagram. How many times would you say that you have used these already today?
Most tend to just scroll through it when they’re bored or have nothing to do. What usually happens when you get started into it, is once you scroll for a little bit you tend to dive deeper into the page. You like to see what’s going on in someone else’s life, but when tagging someone else in that picture we tend to tap on their profile and look.
Well, next thing you know it’s been two hours and all you’ve been doing is going profile to profile. Most of the older generation has the belief that social media is very toxic is what’s getting their kids in trouble. Teens have a struggle of seeing what’s being posted on social media and they take that and let it sink it, but then they end up applying it to themselves and what they post on social media.
There are many negative things that come from social media such as harassment, negative and rude comments, judgmental selves, and much more. Is social media healthy for your well-being or just your mental health. Do you recommend staying on social media?