Senior Spotlight: Anthony Vance


The Senior Spotlight reflects on a senior who is involved with the school and it’s programs, a good standing student and who is a role model for others. Someone who exhibits all of these aspects is Anthony Vance.

Anthony is an 18 year old senior at St. Marys High School. Anthony has been a part of many different groups and organizations including\; Theatre, yearbook, and football. Two fun facts about Anthony are that he has a birthmark in his eye, and he wears a size 13 shoe. In his free time, Anthony enjoys drawing. I asked Anthony a few questions to try and really grasp who he is.

What motivates you?
“Music motivates me.”

What do you plan to do after graduation?
“I plan to compose music.”

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
“I would go shopping and travel to Italy.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school?
“Don’t miss school. You get behind and they don’t like it when you’re not here.”

Will you miss high school after it’s over?
“A little, but only because I won’t be able to see my favorite people as often- like friends and teachers.”