First Nine Weeks Recap

As the SMHS students are getting ready to enter their second nine weeks of school a lot has happened between the beginning of the year and now. Here’s a recap.
The college fair, the college fair was held on Sept. 3. It is an annual event at SMHS. It is a day when colleges choose representatives to come to the high school and try to give the students a better look at their future. PSAT, the PSAT was held on Oct. 16. Sophomores and Juniors take this test to practice for the SAT. This test holds opportunities to the National Merit Scholarship. Hello day is a day where a group of volunteer students go to St. Marys or Belmont elementary and talk to the kids, activities are held and the high schoolers eat lunch with the kids. Overall, the interaction means a lot to the kids and gives them a chance to talk about the high school experience. The bell candidates were announced at the beginning of September, they include Jessica Higgins, escorted by Nick Riggs. Hannah Barker, escorted by Brendan Fox. Ashley Simonton, escorted by Jason Domacassé. Aimee Chambers, escorted by Andrew Bennett. And Mackenzie Heflin, escorted by Peyton Oliver.

WVU, OVU and Marietta college trips were held for the seniors in order to get a look at what’s going on at the college in terms of courses and opportunities. It helps the seniors get a better look into where they’re going to go after high school. When students are asked what their favorite part of the first nine weeks was some responses were, “Volleyball, theatre, forensics, soccer”. When teachers were asked a response was, “the first day of school and seeing all my students faces again and being able to interact with them.”