One of the age-old questions for upcoming seniors is if they actually need to go to college to be successful. This is often a question as the students are made aware of how expensive colleges are and often times not really made to see the rewarding side of it. Students also become aware of the very successful people like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs where they did not even go to college yet are highly success stories; they were just the few that were able to become grossly rich without a college degree to back them up.
Earning just something as little as a bachelor’s degree can increase the jobs someone can get. Studies from the government show that 98.5 million employers had job opportunities for people that alone had just a bachelor’s degree. College also specializes in preparing people for a specific career and cutting out the classes that would be deemed useless. College prepares people for the specific career they wish to have as soon as they leave. College also helps with giving the person a higher salary than a person that just goes straight to work out of high school. Data shows that people that have a bachelor’s degree receive $67,500 while people that do not have that degree only make $56,000 per year. The rewards for just going to college for four years greatly outweigh the risks of spending so much money and time. It pays to be a little later in the work life if it means that it will better prepare the person’s future.