“Norbit,” directed by Brain Robbins and released in 2007, is a comedy that centers around a man named Norbit, played by Eddie Murphy. The film highlights Eddie’s talent for playing multiple characters, including Norbit and his wife Rasputia Latimore. The story follows Norbit, a kind and humble man, raised by his adoptive father, Mr. Wong. Wong is the owner at the local orphanage. At the orphanage he meets his childhood crush, Kate. But then loses contact with her for awhile after she moves away. Then Norbit get stuck in a troubled marriage situation with Rasputia. Yet his life takes a turn when he reconnects with his childhood crush.
The movie is obviously a comedy with plenty of jokes and other funny moments. Eddie’s double role as both Norbit and Rasputia is a highlight of the comedy once you realize that he plays his oversized wife as well. When I first saw the movie, I was at my friend’s house. We didn’t know which movie to watch and that’s when he offered to watch Norbit. At first, I thought it was going to be some dumb early 2000s movie with a horrible plot and lame jokes. But I was very wrong. After watching it, I became my favorite comedy movie.
The movie is mainly directed towards viewers that enjoy broad, physical comedy. It is a film where exaggeration is key with its very large characters and outrageous scenarios. Families with teens would probably love it since its very funny, but occasionally drops a few adult jokes. Overall, I rate it a 9/10, but it’s definitely my favorite comedy movie by far.