Advice From Seniors
During their four years in high school, Seniors have experienced some tough times, as well as loads of wonderful times. In high school, it’s difficult to know what to avoid and what to jump into. By the time you figure it out, it may be too late. Here’s some advice from a few seniors, just for you. Best of luck this school year!
Accept the fact that the friends you begin high school with, may not be the ones you end with; be open to new people and experiences. – Aimee Chambers
Its okay to cry…all the time. Everybody needs a good cry. – Summer Burkhammer
Stay involved. It keeps you out of trouble and makes your high school years more enjoyable. – Jessy Higgins
Keep your circle small. People can be fake, its easier that way. – Kylie Myers
Don’t take the things you experience in high school for granted. Enjoy them, it goes by quicker than you’d think. – Hannah Barker
Power through. It’ll be hard, but it’ll be worth it. – Aaron Henderson
Pass your classes the first time. Retaking them is not fun. – Brett Mitchell
Don’t stress about boys! Focus on high school. – Faith Bunner
Don’t be a bum. Do something meaningful. – Lucas Lipscomb
Don’t move away. I wish I would have been able to stay here for all four years.
– Angelina Parsons

Hi! My name is Teddi Northrop. I play volleyball; I’m a hitter. I enjoy spending time and laughing with my friends. I have nine siblings. I have lived...