Prom was an enjoyable time for all of us. The dance was in a slightly smaller than ideal location, but other than that, the dance was fun. It was held in the Riverleigh Room, in downtown St. Marys, which was an ideal close location to host. Before Prom, Mrs. Nutter was kind enough to feed students. The Methodist Church in St. Marys offered two meals for students to choose from free of charge. This offered students the potential to eat before who do not have the chance to go out and was easy access for those without the time to go elsewhere. We are so fortunate to have people like Mrs. Nutter at SMHS and thank her for what she does for us all.
The Prom Parade was an event before the dance, where students could get pictures with their date and then enter the venue, where they eventually found themselves very hot and tired.
Around 9:00, the voting was final and the decision for Prom King and Queen was made. Ethyn Hines and Jaela Davis respectively are the 2024 king and queen. After their dance, many students left, safely going to their afterparties and returning home afterwards. We are thankful for SMHS and how they prepared us to have a safe Prom this year.