“The Batman” is a fictional action movie based around the infamous Batman. The Batman was a great example of the dc classics. The Batman starts off with Bruce Wayne being introduced and some of his backstory. For example, it states how his mother and father Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered in an alleyway when Bruce was just a child. Bruce was raised by the family butler Alfred. Alfred wasn’t just your normal butler though he was a fierce man. He taught Batman how to fight and helps with cases. My favorite scene was when Batman hunted down the riddler and got him behind bars. the Batman isn’t a superhero movie though, it shows the hard truths of the world.
During the movie he met “Cat-woman”. A troubled individual with a similar backstory to the Batman. I know It may take three hours for Bruce to learn this lesson, but it’s an incredible three hours. It may be fun to watch Pattinson put on black make-up and strap into the Bat-suit to fight some bad guys, but there’s much more to this story than just that.
I recommend the Batman to any of you action lovers. It is an all-around great film and one of my favorites.