“Virgin River” is a Netflix Series that has five seasons currently, with filming for season six upcoming. The series has been released for several years, releasing a new season every year. In the story, Mel, was moving to a small, mountainous town in northern California, where she took a job as a nurse for an old-style doctor. He was very resistant to her, until he eventually opened up to her and they worked alongside each other very well.
Very early, Mel got close with a man named Jack who owned a bar, and they had a very fast developing relationship. Mel and Jack are the main characters in the relationship, and the main plot depicts them taking on all of life’s challenges together. Their challenges very obviously bring them closer together, and nothing can seem to separate them. They have many rough patches, but they always find their way back together.
“Virgin River” has been a great show, but there are so many other stories and plots to go along with the other ones that it may sometimes be difficult to follow. They do not write it to be a complex story with hidden elements, but there are so many other stories that there always seems to be something going on. “Virgin River” is a good show if you enjoy following many plot lines; if not, it is still a great series without the unrelated plots going alongside the one of Mel and Jack.