Young Justice
“Young Justice” is an American animated television series developed by Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman. The show was first shown in 2010 and proceeded to have six seasons with 23-25 minute long episodes. The series follows the lives of young superheroes and sidekicks who are a part of a team attached to the Justice League.
I really like the show, and I’m not a huge DC fan. They have made the characters really relatable for being an animated series and you get to see what personal struggles they go through. Every season you meet new characters due to some of the original retiring or officially becoming a part of the Justice League.
It’s very funny, emotional, and action packed. I recommend this show to anyone who is a D.C. fan and maybe children. Overall I give the show a ten out of ten rating.
My name Natalea Mumaw. I'm a senior at SMHS. I am the feature twirler for the marching band. I have a three-year-old yorkie named Chip. My favorite class...