Why Schools Need Vending Machines
Vending Machines would be a great idea for all schools to have. It could give students good snacks to eat if they are hungry throughout the day. Some schools do not offer students enough food to keep full throughout the whole school day. It would also give students options to get something other than school food.
It gives easy access to food whenever a student needs it. Some schools require their students to carry lunch with them, and if a student forgets lunch then they can have food at their access. It will give them availability during a break time to have a little snack before they go back to class.
These vending machines would be very popular, so if the school supplies them then they can get the revenue for school. It is just another way that you can make some more money for the school, since these vending machines would be popular.
There is no limit on food at the school. Some students need more food than others, and this will not limit the students on how much food they are allowed to have. No students will have to go hungry, because they have a vending machine if they need a snack.
It might fuel classroom concentration, because a student can not work effectively if they are worrying about how hungry they are. If they can get a snack from a vending machine they do not have to worry about that hunger at all, and now that student can focus better in class.
In conclusion, vending machines would be a great investment for all schools to get. It will give all students access to food whenever they need it. It will bring in a little extra revenue for the school to spend. No student will be limited to food. It will also fuel classroom concentration.
My name is Madison Scott and I’m a junior. I am currently enrolled in Early College Classes. I also do 3 sports, which are cross country, basketball,...