How to Apply for College
Going to college is a big milestone in a person’s life. Many high school students but not all have to apply for college once in their life. Some students are also confused about where they want to go, so they have to apply to more than one college. There are many steps to take when you are applying for college.
You should look at your college options, visit them and compare them. If you have more options then one it is best to look into the types of programs they offer. It is very important that they have a good program for you to join when you get there. Try visiting the college and going to see the campus. Look at the buildings they have, the living areas, and how hard it is to get from place to place. After you do all your research and go visit the colleges, compare them. Figure out which one you like better and would be a good place for you to go. Make sure you know what makes a good college.
When you are approaching the end of your junior year in high school make sure you have a list of what colleges you are interested in, so you know where you want to apply to. Make sure while choosing your top schools that you have the right test scores and grades to be able to get into the school. When you are going to apply to these schools in the fall of your senior year make sure you have all the application materials you need. Make sure you have your test scores, letters of recommendation, personal statements or essays and any other source you need.
In conclusion, make sure you are preparing to apply to colleges throughout your junior and senior year. It is best to be ahead of the game on things like this. Get all your requirements ready for the day you have to apply for your colleges. Have a list of colleges you want to apply to. Look up information on the colleges you’re interested in. Always stay on top of your college decisions.

My name is Madison Scott and I’m a junior. I am currently enrolled in Early College Classes. I also do 3 sports, which are cross country, basketball,...