Back Yard Brawl
The St. Marys High School STARS team is helping to raise money for the Wood County Society as their service project this year. The Wood County Society funds activities for people with disabilities including Camp Echo, Summer Speech, American Sign Language Classes, Adapted Aquatics and the Mid Ohio Valley Autism Network. The STARS team is also helping with a text-a-thon on March 8 in Parkersburg taking pledges. At the end of March, STARS members will also be helping at “A Night Under the Stars,” which is a dance for those who have disabilities where they can attend for free.
As a fundraiser, a competition is being held between the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes from Feb. 26 through March 6. Buckets are located outside of the office to fill with coins and money. The class that collects the highest amount of money will receive an ice cream party that includes cones and toppings.
St. Marys High School is also competing against Williamstown High School to see who can raise the most money. The school that collects the highest amount of money will win a trophy! Bring in your change to help raise money for your class to win an ice cream party to help the school bring home a trophy!

Hi! My name is Shelby Anderson and I am a 17-year-old senior at St. Marys High School. I am the captain of the cheer team and also compete on the competition...