How to Become a Better Writer
In Five Easy Steps
We all have to write daily, whether it be essays or stories. So here are some helpful tips that I have found to help you become a better writer.
Writing a lot: if you constantly write then you will eventually get better, with anything practice helps.
Writing down your thoughts and ideas: this could be anything from ideas for stories or take fragments from conversations that you hear and having this might inspire you.
Eliminating distractions: writing can be so hard, if you are easily distracted, so if you get rid of distractions. Distractions like noise, your phone and the tv need to be gone so that way when you are writing you will have a nice quiet place to begin writing.
Experiment when writing: Trying new things, like using different words. Experiment with your mechanics and your style of writing. You never know what works for you if you don’t try.
Revising what you wrote: once you write something always make sure you go back through it and read it. You have to make sure your grammar and spelling is correct, but not only that but words that are unnecessary and confusing sentences. Good writing comes from revision.
Having a strong start and end to your story: These are the most important parts of your story, especially the beginning. This is where your story should hook the reader into wanting to read your story. Having a good ending will make the reader end up wanting more.

Hello, my name is Kyra Parker. I have two sisters and a brother. Unfortunately, they’re both annoying. I am 16 years old and I am a junior in high school....