Graduation Checklist
Graduation is a big deal, and you want to be ready for whatever the days to come throw at you. Here’s a checklist to help you ensure you have everything for your big day
Senior Pictures
Everyone needs at least one senior picture. A great keepsake for family after you leave for college or go to a new job.
Graduating is a big achievement that HAS to be known by everyone. And the more announcements you send out…the more money you get.
Cap and gown and tassels
You can’t graduate without a cap and gown, and you need to get it done early so it’s cheaper.
Apply to college/ job
Its weird to think about the rest of our life, but you have to. Apply and get everything prepared to start off adulthood right.
Apply for scholarships
Nothing like making money for free right? Apply for as many scholarships as you can even if you don’t think you will receive them.
Plan a party
Partyyyyy! More money! And a last hoorah with all of your bestest friends and favorite family members. Time to celebrate you!
Spend time with family and friends
Spend quality time with your family and friends… pretty soon nothing will be the same
Make memories
Make memories to last a lifetime. Make the last few months before graduation the best and some you will never forget
Buy a graduation outfit
Girls need a white dress and boys need khakis and a nice shirt. Go shopping! Splurge for the perfect outfit for one of the biggest days of your life
Say goodbye
Make sure you say goodbye to all of the people in your life. Who knows what adulthood will do to the relationships you’ve formed. Enjoy this time while you can, because graduation comes up quicker than you’d think.

Hi! My name is Teddi Northrop. I play volleyball; I’m a hitter. I enjoy spending time and laughing with my friends. I have nine siblings. I have lived...