Behind the Scenes: The Office

A day in the office, according to Mrs. Lamp, the secretary is like “Herding chickens with phones and doorbells added.” The office can be a very busy place or it can be a very boring place, it all depends on the day. Some days, you could be sitting and filling out paperwork or you could be answering phones, which causes chaos. The people who work in the office are, Mrs.Taylor- vice principal, Mr. Sole- principal, Mrs. Lamp- secretary, Mrs. Rinard and Mrs. Travers- counselors and Mrs. Dearth- nurse. There are also the “office assistants”, these are kids who have the privilege of spending the class period helping out in the office on a daily basis. These kids are Jessica Higgins, Kaylie King, Marshall Norman, Mary Taylor, Aimee Chambers, Kayla Fox and Ethan Statler.
Mrs. Lamp was asked the following questions about her experiences in the office:
One thing we should know about the office?
-”Chocolate is a good bribe.”

Most/ Least favorite part about working in the office?
“Least- craziness/chaos, most- talking to the kids.”

What do the office assistants do?
“Getting attendance, figuring lunch count, filing, opening doors, answering phones, running errands, delivering packages, getting kids from class, singing, artwork. Pretty much anything they are asked to do.”

Funniest moment in the office?
“Watching people walk into the door that is locked.”

The office is where everything that is planned for the students begins. It is kind of like the center of the school. People can pick up their kids, turn in paperwork, talk to counselors, and it is where you go when you get into trouble. It is where everything happens, before walking into the actual school. Everyday is a different day for you if you work in the office.