Most Embarrassing Classroom Moments
People can get embarrassed anywhere and anytime, but here are some embarrassing moments in the classroom by students you may know!
“Breaking my ankle after falling down the stairs” – Aaron Henderson
“Finding out I failed Algebra II..” – JT Covey
“Mrs.Tice convincing me that trees cuddle underground.”- Brittney Strum
“It wasn’t me, but in 5th grade, some kid farted and pooped himself.” -Darrien Bortey
“On the way to school, I had to fist fight a deer.” – Aden McCoy
“When I had to clean applesauce off of the wall because some girl threw it at me and missed.” -Hunter Yost
“Walked into class, tripped over a chair, and smacked my face.” Mackenzie Smith
“Breaking my wrist playing kickball junior year…yikes” – Nick Riggs

Hi! My name is Teddi Northrop. I play volleyball; I’m a hitter. I enjoy spending time and laughing with my friends. I have nine siblings. I have lived...