Behind the Scenes of Volleyball

The record may not show it, but the St.Marys Girls Volleyball Team, has put a tremendous amount of work into the progress they continue to make throughout the season. Practice begins with a small refresher of the games we have that week, and announcements that need to be said. We then put the net up, and begin our warm-ups. After warm-ups, we review the mistakes we had made during the previous games, and look for ways to improve. Players have had to adjust to a new coaching style and procedure this season. This has given some girls the fresh start that they needed to be even more successful this year.
Defense is one of the primary focuses during practice. The team learns new defensive strategies and formations that fit the team the best. They have developed new skills that they did not have before. All areas on the court are just as important as the other. To help every individual position though, the players now have coaches that specialize in each of them. Regardless of our past, the team plans to look towards the future and continue to improve.

Hi! My name is Teddi Northrop. I play volleyball; I’m a hitter. I enjoy spending time and laughing with my friends. I have nine siblings. I have lived...